Wife out of town for work, mother in law had the kids. Took a quick stab at this and got my garmin dash cam and parking mode working thanks to everyone’s awesome help!
only had two issues. One, had everything hooked up but still couldn’t draw power. Long story short, if I remember correctly from all my trouble shooting steps, it wasn’t until I flipped the fuses to the other slot on both of the tap a fuses that I got power. Weird.
I used the ground Op suggested. But when I tried loosening the bolt, the washer seemed attached to the bolt. So then I tried placing the ground underneath the washer but that didn’t worked. Guessing cause the other side was up against plastic? Or maybe it would of worked if tried that after I fixed my issue in step one.
either way, it’s working! I just need to figure out a permanent connection for the ground. Right now the ground connection is just snapped onto the bolt itself.