The US produces 11.3 million barrels of oil per day (BPD). We consume 17.2 million BPD. We import from Canada 4.5 million BPD and from Mexico 700,000 BPD. We make up the rest from Russia at 595,000 BPD and Saudi Arabia 555,000 BPD. The junior high solution (current administration) is to slow our production and import less from Canada . The result is we will have more and more reliance on Russia and the Saudis. Their policies also rule out nuclear which other countries like France are using to their benefit. Their solution- we'll just convert everything to solar and wind. Supposedly backed by some gigantic as yet undetermined battery to protect us when the wind doesn't blow and sun doesn't shine. In which case, certain not very windy, overcast regions are probably fucked! Think of Washington and Oregon west of the Cascades (the big population centers), not to mention my home state of Michigan.
I won't even get into the engineering in the amount of electrical energy conversions due to transformers, storage problems, etc. It's not like 5 watts gets created and shipped miles and miles and remains 5 watts. And long haul trucking running on batteries? One only needs a high school physics class to realize the fallacy of these arguments. With current technology the only intelligent way forward is investment in the newer small-scale nuclear energy reactors. It's just a fancy way to boil water.
There is certainly a place for both solar and wind in the infrastructure, but to think we can rely on it completely is the sort of thing only the person who failed that physics class would think is possible.