Just curious, why the strong dislike for it? It’s a common feeling just wondering.
I have it disabled on my 2017 RS and one of the main reasons I will be doing it on the 2022 EX-ST for me is this....
First: It's a total gimmick used to pass EPA standards.
Second: It is not good for the longevity of parts.
Third: Imagine this scenario. Let's say you are driving heavy footed, you're in sport mode and your turbos are spooling, a lot.
Now you come to a red light and you stop, your engine shuts off because of auto start/stop, all your major electronics also shut off except for the basic parts.
Effectively what is happening right now is that you are no longer cooling your turbos, they are sitting there hot and everything else around them is hot as well.
If you do this a lot, you can damage your turbos.
(This is under the assumption that the turbo functions the same way as in the 2017 RS)