This thread has me looking at the Dura-Dressing product. Most of the Tubers that have tried the Dura-Dressing product report positive results. That said, in reading about this product there were more than a few users that indicated that the acid used to clean wheels damaged their wheel's finish. Of course, those that claim damage say they have followed the instructions to the letter. Who knows if that's the case?
Dura-Dressing claims their cleaner is the strongest on the market and apparently, it's pretty heavy-duty. The old Bleche-Wite formula could do that to wheels if you weren't paying attention and allowed it to dwell too long. The newer version of Bleche-Wite seems to have eliminated that issue.
Dura-Dressing's cleaner seems to be an integral part of their multi-step process, which appears to be involved. I don't think it's a step you could skip to get a real benefit from their product.
There are, of course, a ton of different wheel manufacturers on the market with a ton of different wheel finishes. The people who claim damage don't mention what type of finish their wheels have (anodized, powder-coated, painted). I have no idea if there is a weak link here but it would make me hesitate or at the very least do some more research before I'd give this product a shot.