Let's just assume for a second something is off- because no one is getting that bad of mileage. The only way his vehicle would be getting that kind of MPG would be either:
A. His MPG calculator was off by about double..
B. His entire two tanks has been spent at the dragstrip.
C. There is a mechanical problem causing his injectors to run doubly rich mixtures
D. He has some type of driveline restriction/tight engine tolerances, etc. that he requires twice as much fuel as everyone else.
E. His commute is continuous stop-and-go traffic.
A. Possible, but doubtful- of course he claims he reset everything and then re-checked manually on his "new tank of gas"
B. He left that part out
C. The ECU would light up with injector and cat codes which are not mentioned.
D. Possible, but doubtful.
E. His Auto/SS doesn't work? And he doesn't seem to know how to turn if on/off?
If, in fact sir, your mileage is that bad, I suggest rather than just venting on this forum you seek immediate attention at your local Ford dealership to make them aware of the situation. Anyone else's Troll-dar tingling?