Thought I would stop by Wendy's to grab my wife a salad. That's the good deed. There was a magnetic explorer ST in front of me in the drive-thru that climbed the curb with the rear driver side wheel as he pulled forward from the speaker. Hope his wheel is ok (see other wheel damage story). Next a full sized semi rig pulls up next to me parallel to the order line (rear of building) and then starts to try and make the next left turn around the building which will put the inner side of his trailer in my passenger seat. I lay on the horn to stop him and then he backs up to try and take another run at it. I see my chance to escape before something bad happens. I circle the Wendy's and get back in line further back. As I am getting closer to turning the final corner in the drive-thru the semi's trailer door gets opened and they position three tall carts of buns which are pushed out on an elevated ramp within striking distance of my vehicle. At that point I give up and leave before one of these metal carts are laying against the side of my vehicle. I made it out of there without damage and without the salad and consider myself very lucky indeed.