OK to answer a few things, they can not offer you the one time purchase now because it has been too long, there was only a 14 day grace period from the day it was first offered which was I believe October 1st, 2024 so its been longer than that 14 days. They also kicked me back to the dealer but I got mine on October 30th so I was still in that 14 day grace period, but the dealer still tried to deny me until I mentioned how the lady on the app number Blue Cruise section told me about the 14 day period. I also said to the dealer that would be pretty crappy if I could not get it when I bought my car less than 24 hours before it was offered, so I think I persuaded them a little with all that. I also joked that I was within the 2 week cooling off period and could just return and repurchase the car LOL (not that I would have). So I think all that was in my favor in my case. Second we have already established above that the wheel senses movement and not the grip, so if your not using the Blue Cruise then it works by movement of the wheel so instead of just gripping it move it side to side a bit or put a little resistance on it. When you are using Blue Cruise you do not have to touch the wheel at all unless it tells you to and it wont do that unless either it cant see the lines of the road, or your in an unmapped spot (as not all roads are mapped) which they call "Blue Zones", or the camera and radar can't determine what's in front of you. I was in some heavy rain once and mine would not even turn on where I knew it should and where it usually activates. So hope this clears up a few things and helps someone. Oh sorry also forgot to mention when using the Blue Cruise and maybe even just the adaptive it also uses the sensor on the steering wheel to check your eyes to make sure your looking at the road and you can only look away for about 30 seconds or so before it will alert you. There is also a tiny camera up above to the right of your head in the grooved mirror thingy (sorry not sure what to call it), so smile next time ya get in lol.