Hey Guys, I posted a few pictures and a question a week or so back if anyone had fiber glass strands coming out of the exhaust system... I have an update, I purchased my kit from 5star tuning and I reached out to them and asked the same question and was told that it has been happening for a few months on the ST they have. They were surprised to hear that someone else was having this same issue so they reached out to Borla and they finally responded... they said that it was NOT normal and that they would cover it under warranty. The only question 5star and I have for Borla is if a new replacement system would yield the same issue or has it been isolated to a certain Lot number or batch? Hopefully next Wednesday or Thursday we will have an answer from Borla. I will keep y’all posted. For now if you have this issue it would be helpful to contact either the retailer you made your purchase through or contact Borla directly. I did send Borla a email but they didn’t respond back, this is likely due to the fact that I forwarded that email to 5star and they included it with the email they sent. FYI... I now have about 600-700 miles on this exhaust and it’s still blowing fibres... might help us all if more people let Borla know that they are having this issue. Have a nice weekend