By 1/2 shipping I mean I will split the shipping cost with you at the purchase price. So if the shipping fee is $20, I'll eat $10 of it. I can also meet within an hour drive of Columbus, IN to sell in person and save shipping time/cost.
All parts are new, still in the factory shipping boxes. I literally only opened the intercooler and wheel spacer boxes to take the pics this afternoon. Only selling as I've decided not to put the time/money into modifying my ST. I'm asking below retail prices on these as I'm just trying to recoup most of my investment in the parts.
Shoot me a message or PM if interested.
All parts are new, still in the factory shipping boxes. I literally only opened the intercooler and wheel spacer boxes to take the pics this afternoon. Only selling as I've decided not to put the time/money into modifying my ST. I'm asking below retail prices on these as I'm just trying to recoup most of my investment in the parts.
Shoot me a message or PM if interested.
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