This is sad but true! I've received more information from the fabulous folks here in this forum than from the dealership/Ford and the sales rep confirmed that for me, he said, you're better off getting information from your forum because we don't know that much detail, HOW?!?! LOL He didn't know half the information I already knew from this team here. It's beyond even getting mad or trying to put anyone in their place because its across the board, it's sad, no one takes initiative or a couple of extra steps and/or thinks outside the box. My sales rep is a nice guy but has no clue...has said to me, "oh there was an update last week on your car but I didn't know what I meant so I didn't call you" I kid you not. IF you do find a decent rep, stick with them. We also run into the issue of upper management lacking and the "good" ppl end up leaving! Anyway, this team deserves a round of applause!!