When I drove my ST home in October, the wife told me to stop checking my tracker for the original build. I stopped checking it... daily anyway. Still checked it once a week lol.
Congrats on the Bronco! My salesdouche called me earlier this week and left a message saying my explorer had been shipped and was on the lot. I let him know I took his advice and went ahead and bought one already and to kindly bite me. I think my tracker showed it was built about a month after I purchased the non-360 camera ST and shipped two weeks after that. Kinda bitter, but not really. You never know the future... it could have been months longer. Plus I didn't like my sales guy anyway and I don't believe he would have given me the trade-in price I got at the other dealership, especially knowing how long I had been waiting. Plus the ST I bought wasn't sitting on a lot for months in the elements. I spent more money but don't have regrets! I hope you enjoy your Bronco and live your best life, homie!