I'm waiting for approval in CA for my 22

. I don't have the technical expertise to do the mod myself, and I doubt the Ford dealer in SoCal will install and uninstall before those smogs as
@bluesnake01 mentioned
Ford would not install it if its not CARB approved.
I never looked but I would almost guarantee someone made a you-tube video of installing the tune. Again I never looked but id also assume the tuner has directions.
If you really wanted it you would/could do it.
I do have a question why isnt this CARB approved? are they just waiting in line to get approved? If not CARB approved you might as well get a real tune from one of the many tuners around they will walk you thru the steps. The last mail order tune I had the SCT device was real real easy and I am not computer smart at all If I can do it anyone can.