I've been running 23188 for 2 weeks now and it's absolutely solid. 22251 was a train wreck with all my presets and car setrings resetting on every startup. This is because some code issue was making the rwdata partition fill up and not recycle itself. So eventually the APIM runs out of memory.
Ford really F-ed up releasing that software to the public. I heard it resulted in a sh1t ton of APIM claims for warranty so they had to fast track a code fix, which, may be released soon over the normal update channels.
If you want the update today, Cyanlabs.net is the play like the previous poster said. VERY important to do the master reset, 2 soft resets first. Then I even did a master and 2 soft resets after the update. I figured wouldn't hurt.
Since then my whole setup has been working great.
Ford really F-ed up releasing that software to the public. I heard it resulted in a sh1t ton of APIM claims for warranty so they had to fast track a code fix, which, may be released soon over the normal update channels.
If you want the update today, Cyanlabs.net is the play like the previous poster said. VERY important to do the master reset, 2 soft resets first. Then I even did a master and 2 soft resets after the update. I figured wouldn't hurt.
Since then my whole setup has been working great.