2020 is at the dealer for both front axels
I'm starting to wonder if the issues with the front struts and axles just have to do with the system being designed badly for the vehicle. I had to get both front struts replaced at 2K miles, now I'm thinking is a combination of shit parts ford uses and under-designing the system to handle the power the vehicle is capable of.
I distinctly remember goosing her making a turn and she broke loose, the vehicle dynamics control kicked in which simultaneously engaged the front wheels AND killing engine power to stop wheel slip all at the same time all under hard throttle. There was a series of violent jerks and the CEL activated. I read the code and it was just a turbo over-boost probably from the ECU and dynamic control f'ing up at high rpm. I think that may have what blew out the front struts and top mounts now that I think about it. I could imagine that condition isn't too healthy for axles either.
Lesson learned to disable traction control when messing around.