FWIW, I upgraded to the 20282 through CyanLabs and USB about two weeks ago. The whole upgrade went super smooth, except now I'm having handshaking issues with the main screen and radio. Once in a while when I start the car, the big screen will be off but the radio is on. The radio can't shut down using power button. I have to turn off the car and open the door and close. It happened to me this morning actually. I've also had an issue of no main screen displayed or radio when starting the car and the power button does not function until I restart the car. I don't recall this in the previous version. I actually had to restart the car twice to fix it this morning, the radio never went off when I turned the car off and opened the door. The one thing I do notice with the 20282 is that the touch screen functions seem more responsive. If these issue continue, I'll try to revert back to the previous version.