I've been tracking down a voltage issue for a while now on my 2020. I have other posts here on it. Battery died suddenly and without warning in July of this year. No worries, replace the battery. After that it was fine for about 1 week then I was getting occasional slow crank. Never not starting but would often be very slow.
Yesterday the battery was dead, had to jump it. Got it going, drove for 30+minutes then turned it off. Try to restart and again, no start. Had to jump again. No error codes, no charging messages on the dash.
Connected battery to my charger over night and today I spent time checking voltage. Not running, voltage 12.5v. cranking it drops down to 9v. Running, it goes up to 13.6v and sometimes stays there. Other times it will go up to 13.6 then after running for a bit, drop down to 12.2. very inconsistent. Seemed alternator was not always charging or having issues doing so.
On a whim I disconnected the bms on the negative terminal. Voltage is now very consistent. When running it is always 13.5+. Not running still 12.5. cranking still drops down.
Could the bms be going out? With it disconnected there is a check charging system error but what other issues could this cause if I leave it disconnected for now?
I plan to take it in but no appointments available until 11/19 so seeing what I can do for now.
Yesterday the battery was dead, had to jump it. Got it going, drove for 30+minutes then turned it off. Try to restart and again, no start. Had to jump again. No error codes, no charging messages on the dash.
Connected battery to my charger over night and today I spent time checking voltage. Not running, voltage 12.5v. cranking it drops down to 9v. Running, it goes up to 13.6v and sometimes stays there. Other times it will go up to 13.6 then after running for a bit, drop down to 12.2. very inconsistent. Seemed alternator was not always charging or having issues doing so.
On a whim I disconnected the bms on the negative terminal. Voltage is now very consistent. When running it is always 13.5+. Not running still 12.5. cranking still drops down.
Could the bms be going out? With it disconnected there is a check charging system error but what other issues could this cause if I leave it disconnected for now?
I plan to take it in but no appointments available until 11/19 so seeing what I can do for now.