I have a 2020 that I bought July 5th 2021. I filled up the washer fluid since it was low. I checked it a month later and was low again and really use it. So I filled it up and check four days later and 1/3 gal low again so I took to first dealership. They said they could not find a leak and couldnt do anything. It would only leak when driving and never when sitting. Took to another dealership and they changed the tank. drove home and noticed missing fluid. I took the cap off and put a plastic bag and rubberband over the filler and didnt really see a leak so I brought back. They took my ST and another one in the shop and filled both and drove around and noticed that they both leaked the same. They said that it is a bad design from Ford and that the long neck holds a lot of fluid that sloshes around when driving and comes out of the cap.
Has anyone also had this problem? Its funny how the other one in the shop was also doing the exact thing and it was not in the shop for that.
Has anyone also had this problem? Its funny how the other one in the shop was also doing the exact thing and it was not in the shop for that.