Anyway...I got my first chance to do my commute post FP tune. I pretty much took it easy on the way to the office. Miles are about 7 on country road with several red lights, 4 or 5 city with several red lights, and about 34 highway which includes climbing a high and long bridge. On the highway I hit mid-70s but no higher. Averaged 48 mph for the trip. In Normal mode I averaged 24.6 mpg - I don't keep records but that seems a bit higher than what I achieved before tuning.
On the trip home, no mpg data. Traffic is always very thick and unless there's an accident, it moves quickly. For the first 15 miles or so I had it in Normal mode - I was a little surprised how quickly and smoothly I could pop around slower traffic. Between the boost in HP and the changes in transmission settings, it was smooth and effortless, requiring only a small press on the gas pedal. Once I got into the thicker traffic, where advantageous lane change opportunities are rare and must be executed quickly, I slipped it into sport - again, more responsive and enjoyable than usual.
That is all.