I am in the same waiting boat as all of you. I picked up and purchased a dealer order that was supposed to be here at the end of March. its now May 12 and they say its supposed to be here May 24th. The tracking site says it was built 3/14/2022 but its stuck on arranging shipment to your dealer.
I already did my loan paper work and the dealership took my trade-in. So far I have been driving new ford edges that they let me put 1k miles on and then swap it out for a different one. I really want my ST! so I am holding out for the delivery.
Wow, another person with the same build date (14 March) in the same boat.....the dreaded "awaiting shipment". Mine says (of course, as noted...this is my FOURTH window.....3-9 April, 24-29 April, 2-8 May and now 14-20 May).....14-20 May. But unless it ships SOON, i seriously doubt this fourth window will be met. As I've noted "a 100 times now" (or so it seems

)....my experience with ordering and shipping down here in the South is that nothing shipped is going to come SOON. I'm just hoping (at this point):
1. It actually, finally, really ships . That's the FIRST step of course, and since it's been 2 months since the build (as of tomorrow), God only knows what "decade" they might finally really ship....and God isn't telling anyone when (nor .....is Ford......)
2. It doesn't go "slow boat by way of China"....as in sit in a railyard for weeks. Since I already have that tshirt on another vehicle through Ford....been there...done that, got that tshirt...do NOT need another one, thankyou!
Wish my dealer would offer me a car to drive! I sold my second car to them back on 11 January....thinking the original "8-12 weeks" was the "truth". To say I've been inconvenienced for the last 4 months, is the understatement of the Century! That's nice your dealer did that for you. I too completed my paperwork on the deal long ago.....as in....on that 8 January date. Including what the dealer is SUPPOSED to give me for my tradein (which now has 10,000 more miles and balding tires).
Meanwhile, because I have no faith....have exhausted trying to buy one similar on a lot (huge markups....or the dealer in Detroit saying no go, MUST be a Michigan resident)....I did a build on the Dodge website today for A Dodge Durango R/T. A friend of mine talked to me last night and told me had done a build from the local Dodge dealer....and they swore on a stack of bibles it would be here in EARLY JUNE. I'm just thinking.....I like the looks of a Red Durango R/T loaded.....why not order one....and see which one comes in first. Who do I trust more at this point....Ford....or Dodge? I've already seen Ford's HORRIBLE track record on getting vehicles to the dealer (I'm living that nightmare!). How could Dodge be ANY WORSE? And if they're better.....buy they loaded Dodge and move on................