Ford sold somewhere around 40k STs since '20. There are 5600 members on this site, many of who don't even own an ST, probably 3K who have maybe posted here a couple of times and aren't even slightly active. And still, CFG (you know who I'm talking about) still thinks his polls are statistically significant...they are not. He's also under the impression that the few hundred people who are actually active on this site somehow also signifies something significant since "we're not seeing continuous reports of breaks....".
He's neither funny nor informative. Although, he did have one good post dealing with the ST versus the competition. It's taken me 2 1/2 years to get to the 1000 post club, and I'd like to think I've added some good content to the site. He's over 800 in four months, meaning he'll pass @UNBROKEN by next June! Most likely with 3 vs 4 bolt posts.
He's neither funny nor informative. Although, he did have one good post dealing with the ST versus the competition. It's taken me 2 1/2 years to get to the 1000 post club, and I'd like to think I've added some good content to the site. He's over 800 in four months, meaning he'll pass @UNBROKEN by next June! Most likely with 3 vs 4 bolt posts.
There's a dude on a ton of Explorer ST youtube videos with a church fireman user name or some crap like that. Wonder if it's the same person. He's always arguing with people in the YT comments. I think he's also a Stinger GT owner or was LOL
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