Late at night departing the off airport parking from a "covered" parking spot. Two big pickups on each side of me and behind me, very cramped, pulling out I forgot about the metal pole holding up the overhead covering and smushed my passenger door. The sheet metal is so thin it damages more like paper than something you would think is metal. Got a few quotes for repair thinking I'll out of pocket it as to not raise insurance. Jeeze nope. Range from $5500 with them trying to repair the damaged door, found a place for $3700 replacing the door with a new one. The door shell alone from Ford new is $800. Fortunately the mirror only got some minor damage with a $15 bezel. Also fortunate no other panels or damage and all the inner working of the door are fine so they can move everything over.
There goes a $1000 deductible and crossing fingers my rates won't go up or if they do not too crazy. Much rather be spending that money on cool shit! Welp lesson learned. This is the largest vehicle I've ever owned, and I need to check myself before I wreck myself next time I find myself in a dodgy situation like that.
There goes a $1000 deductible and crossing fingers my rates won't go up or if they do not too crazy. Much rather be spending that money on cool shit! Welp lesson learned. This is the largest vehicle I've ever owned, and I need to check myself before I wreck myself next time I find myself in a dodgy situation like that.