You got my point.

So you’ll trust holding the family jewels in some foreign brand but would spend a lot more cash on an ornament.
Just messing with ya but as I mentioned, it’s a biotch to find usa made.
Decades ago, I road Harleys, ran with a lot of harden hd heads.
Buy America was their chant! I had many brands and you’d be surprised how much foreign crap was under the label. HD included.
We had guys that would put their bikes in back of pickups rather than drive long distances. They absolutely hated me when I pointed out the hypocrisy. Preach American while you put your bike in the back of a Toyota.
My hard headed bro-in-law was pist. He had a red and black HD softail. I had a Honda Shadow with same colors, just reversed. He blew his stack because that my back seat said Made In USA.
I think you get my point. You can run but cannot not hide and if we don’t get rid of this libtard administration, this country is doomed.
In the mean time, support the little guy while we still have them.